Hey Queens
If you reading my blog long enough , you will know that am a big advocate for colours , and you all low will be seeing more of that this now that I will be writing more about fashion and all
Should dark skin girls wear colours ?
Okay Queens , this is from no special research or anything but it's going to be coming from my own knowledge and personal experience. 
Growing up have always been a person of colours but never tried it because of the fear of being judged .

We always get that comment ' you too dark for such bright colour' and that always keep us in a box of trying it, but as the black and melanin community is beginning to come out and show the world that we can rock what so ever we want .. am more than happy to promote it with these beautiful melanin Queens 

So Queens write on the comment section those bezare things you heard about black girls wearing colours 


Vanessa said…
A black girl should wear whateva she wants to wear