Hey Queens
    Okay I know am kind of obsessed with colors and now is the perfect time to show my obsession because it's summer darh hhhh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
 From my reseach,  I have observed that theses colors are kind of limited to faux locs,  trust me before I got these pictures it was more like some FBI investigation
 So who said we can't rock colorful faux πŸ˜’,  this look Is not just unique but it's coming out to be a soon trend . 


 One of the major hair trends sweeping across Africa and the world are faux locs, which are braided synthetic dreadlocks.
Faux locs, which are essentially fake dreadlocks that derive their aesthetic and function from dreadlocks, are not only worn for style purposes, but are also a protective hairstyle that winds natural hair into extensions that mimic dreadlocks, either temporary for about 3 months or permanently as hair is wrapped with yarn, synthetic hair or human hair.
Faux locs allow your hair to get a break from excessive combing, which breaks fragile curly hair, especially type 4c hair. For the style to work as a protective haircare style, it is advised that locs be shoulder length or just below the shoulder and have a diameter of a nickel or dime to ensure that they’re not too heavy on the head, which can lead to hair breakage and neck and back pain. 
Haircare and maintenance is easier with faux loc extensions as you dry shampoo and condition the scalp to ensure that your hair remains clean and healthy for the duration that the locs are installed in your hair. You can moisturize your hair with products such as coconut oil, which will give your scalp much-needed nutrients, or a variety of loc butters for faux locs.
Installing faux locs into hair isn’t as complicated as it looks. It consists of installing box braids into natural hair before wrapping the braided hair around the box braid. Depending on the type of style you want, you can burn the bottom of the faux loc to secure it.
First of all , it's summer and we know how our melanin pop with colors and sun , and we all know faux locs have this faded look already so for it to pop even more I think the colors are essentiall 

 Queens comment your thoughts on this look, will you try this ? 


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