Hey Queens 
So after our top hairstyles for summer went viral 😍💕,  all thanks to you all for constantly keeping up with us . 
We decided to do another hairstyle tips for you all, as a winter is fast approaching 😩,  I don't know if it's just me that doesn't just like this season.
We all know how our hair sheds,  cut , and split during this season if it's not well protected .
So I will be given top 7 hairstyles you can slay this winter period and still protect your hair

1: WIGS: Yes Queens, wigs this can't be overly emphasized,while wearing wigs you are doing two things for yourselves 
 First you growing your using protective style under the wigs, and it grows more because no tension or stress is applied on the hair in any form,  and you all know how obsessed I am about growing your natural hair 🙄
  Next benefit about the wig look is that it coveres our hair from unprotected wind , breeze and cold , these is actually really bad for our hair that's why we experience a lot of sheading during this period. .

2: COVERED CROCHET : Some of us are actually really into crochet because of how much time it saves , and we can't just get enough  of it , so yes we can rock our crochet of course 🙄, but the braids ,covering and kind of Crochet is what matters . No one what's to go and do the leave braids and crochet during this season because all your edges will be gone literally , so I will be spilling the tea on what kind of Crochet and style you should do during this winter period with pictures 

BRAIDS/TWIST (CROCHET OR BRAIDS): Yes Queens,  you guys heard me well ,but don't conclude so fast , I recommend this hairstyle because it makes it easy for winter caps , head wraps to access,  if you wearing a big hair already, we will just assume you have your head covered already , but braids , twist and even corn rows is also a good idea if you intend wearing caps for a the winter period and still want to look all stylish 

So Queens I wanted to do a lot of uploading for this , but the whole idea is to get a style that can cover those edges because that's what we trying to protect 😂
We would love you all to suggest your own style that fit into this category,  don't forget to comment and share 💕


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