Hey Queens
Let's talk about growing your natural hair 💃
It's been long I made the natural hair series due to some issues 😔
But we back and better

How many of us follow “8 glasses a day” rule? On a daily basis the intake of fluids we take in including lattes, tea is about 5 to 6 glasses. But actually we never make it to 8 glasses. Well, there is an interesting fact that you should know here is drinking adequate water will actually support your hair growth and hydrate your hair.
Yes, you heard right, Water!! It’s Cheap! It’s Easy to get! Most of all its Healthy! So why not make the most of it? Water hydrates the body and helps to regulate the circulatory system, which feeds the hair follicle, which then stimulates hair growth. If your hair roots are deficient in adequate water levels your tresses will eventually become dry, brittle and may stop growing.
So don’t allow yourself to have excuses. What you need to do is to consume at least 6 glasses of water per day. Set a timer or whatever. Just do it!!
So, here I strongly recommend everyone to drink as much water as you can, and exercise regularly. If natural hair is what you really want, then the miracle pill is water. Ready set lets drink for health and gorgeous hair!

Dehydration and Hair Growth:

Lack of water causes Dehydration, but very few people know that dehydration has a direct impact on hair growth. It is a common fact that our body is usually composed of 60-80% water. When it does not receive the adequate amount of water in order to maintain cell health and reproduction, it becomes dehydrated which directly impacts hair growth. You can intake fistfuls of hair vitamins and other hair growing supplements, but if you are not consuming apt amount of water to meet your body’s daily H2O requirements, the cells which are responsible for hair growth will not be able to grow and reproduce and as a result, your hair will become extremely dry and withered. This can stop the natural growth cycle of your hair.
On daily basis, human body tends to lose 2 to 3 quarts of water approximately, in many ways like sweat and other water removal processes. Our skin too has a high concentration of water which tends to evaporate constantly in tiny air-borne droplets.
If the roots of hair are deficient in required water levels, the tresses of hair will eventually become brittle, dry, rough and it is possible that they may stop growing at your genetic rate. Roots of hair are the only means by which water is supplied from body to hair. Roots soak up the water and provide hydration to the hair, which automatically and internally boosts up hair growth.

Benefits of Water for Hair Growth:

There are various benefits of drinking water for hair growth. Those are as follows:
1. Water is the root source of energy for each and every cell of our body. It includes those cells too, that are responsible for hair growth and its health.
2. Water nurtures cells and provides them required hair vitamins.
3. It generates magnetic and electrical energy which is considered as a core power to sustain life. This is done through a process called hydrolysis.
4. The roots of the hair and our scalp have many energy-sensitive and photosensitive nerve endings. Water activates all these nerve endings and other sensors in our skin and scalp that enhances the natural vitality of hair roots.
5. Drinking enough water can also help you get rid of dandruff and hair thinning problem.
It is truly said that water is life. Not only our skin and health, but water promote hair growth too and tend to fight with other hair and scalp challenges. And even mild dehydration can sap energy from the hair roots and result into hair loss.


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