Hey Queens
Marley hair is one of those recently trending crochet that has done justice to looking very natural compare to our 4c hair
 Here's why
Because all hair extensions have always reflected all kind of hair types except 4c until early 2016 when extensions like Marley crochet,  kinky hair,  afro straight hair began to dominate the market

We know that the world of protective hairstyles can become quite confusing, we’re taken the time out to break it down. First, we talked about crochet braids — what it is and how you should take care of it. Now, we’re diving into Marley braid hair which people oft confuse as being an actual hairstyle.
Marley braid hair itself is simply a type of hair that is used to create popular styles like Marley Twists. It is not an actual style. The hair is composed of a synthetic fiber called kanekalon. The reason women with coarser hair types go for this type of synthetic hair to create the most sought after hairstyles is simply because it blends nicely with their natural hair texture. On the other hand, women who don’t have a coarse natural hair texture, simply love it because of the thick and full look it creates. Read on as we dive a little deeper explaining the variations available to you and styling options


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